The Little Prince

⌈2023 Jan 3⌋

Books list

Every year I make a list of books I plan to read. This year I decided to read a book I’ve read long ago, The Little Prince. It’s such a simple and short book that I read in a single day, but the message behind makes me believe it’s a book every adult should read at least once.

The Story

The Little Prince is a beloved story about a young prince who travels from planet to planet and encounters a variety of interesting characters. One of these characters is a fox, who teaches the Little Prince about the concept of taming.

The fox tells the Little Prince that “to tame” means “to create ties.” When we tame someone or something, we establish a connection and build a relationship with them. This relationship is not one-sided, however, as both parties must put in effort to make it work.

The fox goes on to explain that taming is not about controlling or dominating another being, but rather about finding ways to understand and care for them. It requires patience, kindness, and a willingness to listen and learn.

This concept of taming is a powerful one, as it can be applied to all kinds of relationships - not just those between humans and animals. We can tame our friends, our loved ones, and even our own emotions. It’s something that resonates a lot with me, and completely changed the way I see the world and the relationships around me.

So the next time you find yourself in a relationship, whether it be with a person, an animal, or even a plant, remember the lessons of the fox and the Little Prince. Take the time to tame, and also be open to others attempt to tame you.

“You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.”